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Lucion FileConvert Professional Plus Full Serial Key
FileConvert turns documents into searchable PDF files … in bulk. Whether your files are coming from a network scanner or sitting in existing folders, FileConvert automates the workflow of turning scans and images into searchable PDFs so you can find documents when you need them. Get started today with your free trial and accomplish more. Discover the OCR work horse that will make you the office hero. FileConvert: just set it and forget it.

Heres What FileConvert OCR Software Does …
Automatic Conversion
Enjoy a conversion workhorse. FileConvert runs continuously behind the scenes, converting files to PDF in bulk.

Monitor a Network Scanner
Let FileConvert watch the output of your network scanner. OCR, separate, and route your scans as they come off the glass.

Watch a Folder
Update a folder of old scans or monitor a folder for incoming files. Or maybe a whole tree of folders.

Make Searchable PDFs
PDF is the standard. Convert your files to archival-quality PDFs that are fully searchable and ready to be indexed.

Automatically OCR
Pull real text out of your scanned documents and faxes. OCR happens automatically as part of the flow.

Separate Documents
Scan whole stacks of documents at once. FileConvert will split off the individual files automatically.

Route Documents
Ready for a virtual filing clerk? Auto-save documents to pre-determined locations without lifting a finger.

Scheduled Jobs
Flexibility is key. Run conversion jobs on a schedule that suits your needs. Or have FileConvert watch specific folders for new files.


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