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Diposting oleh On 08.20 with No comments

Flip PDF Professional Multilingual Full Version

Flip PDF Professional is a powerful feature-rich flip book maker with page edit function. With Flip PDF Professional, you are able to create inspiring page turning books to display smoothly on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and desktop. Get started with hundreds of stunning pre-designed templates, fully customize your digital brochure or catalog with interactive effect by adding multi-media like YouTube video, image, hyperlink, Flash in the drag-and-drop interface simply, everyone can generate impressive flip books easily.
Flip PDF Professional Features:
Easy Import with Various Options
  1. Convert PDF to Adobe Flash based page-flipping eBooks.
  2. Batch convert multiple PDF files to a single or multiple page-flipping eBooks.
  3. Provide command line version.
  4. Offer Project Panel to easy open or save project.
  5. Import bookmarks (outline) of original PDF, and edit them manually.
  6. Import hyperlinks of original PDF, including web link, page link and email link.
  7. Import text so text is searchable, define the minimum search characters.
  8. Add watermark text, image, dynamic date/time and more to page-flipping eBooks.
  9. Define quality and size for normal version and mobile version.
  10. Detect landscape page to present as two-page spread.
Flexible Output Formats
Publish online directly (or batch upload flipbooks) using FlipBuilder Upload Service. Show uploaded books in BookCase with shopping cart integrated.
Output in different formats: HTML, EXE, Zip, Mac App, FBR, Mobile version and Burn to CD.
  1. HTML allows you to upload to a website to be viewed online (with title, keywords and other metadata defined). And you can add Google Analytics tracking code to output flipbook pages.
  2. EXE allows you to view output book individually on Windows computer.
  3. ZIP allows you to output all book files and folders in zip package (easy email and read offline after unzip or read zip with free Flip Reader directly).
  4. App (Mac Application) is executable application can be run on Mac.
  5. FBR is especially designed format to read with free Flip Reader, easy email and read offline.
  6. Mobile version is to output HTML flipbook which can be viewed on mobile devices via Browsers (support slide single pages on mobiles).
  7. Burn to CD allows you to burn to disk so you can send your user physical media for viewing on their computer. (Enable to set Auto Play in CD output form)
  8. Publish flip book to your FTP server directly.
  9. Create *.scr format flip book to use as Screen Saver.
  10. Publish flip book and Email to an address directly by choosing “Email to” output type.
  11. Output the flip book as WordPress plugin and insert to WordPress directly.
  12. Publish flip book in Joomla module.
  13. Create Drupal module to embed to your Drupal site.
Note: You can set password protection (with expired date option) in EXE advanced settings. Besides, you can add company info in EXE output type.

Customize on Pre-designed Templates
  1. Download different templates online (http://www.flipbuilder.com/templates-themes/).
  2. Apply a pre-designed template, animated scene, background and plugin; more free templates, scenes and backgrounds online.
  3. Add plugin to the flip book: banner, news-rotator, news ticket, photo slider, scroller, music player, YouTube banner, etc.
  4. Show Assistant and scrolling tips in your book, and record or embed sound directly.
  5. Add HTML Title in Float template and click it to visit webpage online.
  6. Add Image or Flash logo to insert before Book Title in Float template.
  7. Define book proportions, margin size and shadow manually.
  8. Replace existing icons on toolbar by editing Icon Flash file.
  9. Add new icons into toolbar by calling new actions.
  10. Set background color and image.
  11. Insert background music either for continuous play (loop) or for a set duration.
  12. Set eBook reading from right to left (for Right-to-Left languages such as Arabic).
  13. Choose hard cover for eBooks.
  14. Set fonts for Flash and Bookmark panel.
  15. Export edited bookmarks as Text file to import and use later.
  16. Set Page Number Box to show at top or bottom in Float, set start page number.
  17. Select flash pre-loader for your flip book.
Provide Multiple Control Tools
  1. Edit pages with shapes, text, links, images, videos (including YouTube & Vimeo videos) flash or sound files.
  2. Add Button on pages to open link page, call Javascript action, or play Flash/Video in pop-up Window.
  3. Add page, delete page, re-order and sort page in Page Edit window.
  4. Export objects added in Page Editor, e.g., links, swf and movies to import and use later.
  5. Define the language for your published page-flipping eBook, multi-language switchable.
  6. Add password to protect your page-flipping eBook.
  7. Different render engine types for special PDF files: SWF, GPL Ghostscript or Inner Library.
  8. Add Google Analytics to the book pages.
  9. Add watermark image or SWF to show on print out pages.
  10. Add Help config to manually define content with using Image or SWF.
  11. Add Single/Double Page view.
  12. Add Minime Style to show page-flipping eBooks without toolbar.
  13. Set permissions for downloading, printing, social sharing, Home, About button and more.
  14. Edit bookmark manually and set bookmark panel to show on left or right side.
  15. Export and save settings for future uses.
  16. Save and Load your project.
  17. Build your digital library to store and manage ebooks publised on FlipBuilder Server.
II. Page-flipping multiple PDF eBook features

With the page-flipping ebook you have created, your book readers will be able to:
  1. Flip book pages by dragging corner, clicking page shadow, scrolling mouse wheel, etc.
  2. Use Previous, Next, First or Last buttons or thumbnails to navigate through the book pages.
  3. Open and view important pages quickly with pre-loading technology, no need to wait for all pages to load.
  4. Flip pages automatically using Auto Flip mode.
  5. View page-flipping eBook in full screen.
  6. Add annotation text or shapes to highlight.
  7. Print out the whole eBook or a selected range of pages.
  8. Download uploaded page-flipping eBook or other file while reading book.
  9. Double-click to zoom in or zoom out.
  10. Share eBook URL via email, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, etc.
  11. Turn on/off background sound.
  12. Open in the Browser to a specific page by adding a page index to your URL.
  13.  Always show in Minime Style with adding a parameter to URL.
  14. View page-flipping eBooks in the browser of Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone and Android devices.
Support 11 languages: English, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, French, German, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

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